Instax Review Video

A few useful links that I would like to share with you today folks, if you are searching for a Fuji Instax Mini Camera then I think you will find these links helpful.

First off check out it is a relatively new blog however don’t let that put you off because they are churning out some excellent reviews and help keep you up to date with the latest articles, links and news on Instax Cameras.

Came across this neat Instax review video on You Tube today, check it out and let me know your thoughts:

Are any of you alreadying shooting with Instant Cameras or are you, like me, looking through the various online sites and forums trying to decide which camera would best meet your needs?

Sometimes it can be very confusing as reveiwers tend to give their personal opinions which can leave you with conflicting reviews of the same product.  The reason I have given you the links in this post is because I feel they offer clear, unbiased and honest reviews of the Instax range and of course other instant cameras too.

Well that’s all I have time for right now but please do continue to check in regularly as I will continue to update this blog post with the latest and greatest links to Fuji Instax Mini Camera review sites.

Fuji Instax Mini Camera Review Blogs

Today I am going to talk about a cool blog,, which gives great reviews of the hugely popular Fuji Instax Mini camera range which sold over five million units last year alone!

Fujifilm, or Fuji for short, offer 5 cameras in their Instax Mini range plus the Instax Wide 300 as follows:

Fuji Instax Mini 8
Fuji Instax Mini 25
Fuji Instax Mini 70
Fuji Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic
Fuji Instax Mini Hello Kitty
Fuji Instax Wide 300

All of the six cameras listed above are excellent and can be purchased online at website stores such as Amazon or eBay depending on your preference.

For this article I am going to talk about my personal favourite, the Fuji Instax Mini 70 and give you a detailed review to show you why I think it’s the best camera in the entire range.

The Mini 70 is one of the latest cameras in the Instax range and it is a very stylish design available in red, blue, yellow and white. The colour is really a matter of preference however for full disclosure I chose the midnight blue which I absolutely love.

Here is a video from of my favourite review of the Fuji Instax Mini 70 which lets you see the camera close up and find out more about the features it offers.

The blue is very eye-catching and people often comment on the camera when I am out taking pictures. So much so that people will often stop me in the street just to tell me how much they like the look of the Mini 70!

Did I also mention it is ideal for taking selfies? This camera was designed with the selfie function in mind from the beginning and therefore is arguably the best Instax camera for self obsessed narcissists like myself haha.

One other really neat feature, as with all instant cameras, is the excitement and joy you get from seeing your photo develop before your very eyes

There is something magical about watching the white instax film develop into a real photo and for me this is something I never tire of.

I know you have been thinking throughout this review to ask what would I buy as a second choice instant camera?

The answer is I would without a doubt choose the Fuji Instax Mini 25 as it is also an excellent camera and provides the luxury of more manual settings than the mini 8 plus it is suitable for taking selfies.

My friends, who are also instax mini camera enthusiasts, do not agree with me. Their preferred choice of Mini camera is the Fuji Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic because they love it’s stylish design and trend setting looks.

It is important to highlight that all the Fuji Instax Mini cameras utilise the same instax mini film which you can buy in packs of twenty, fifty or even one hundred depending on your budget, preference and film requirements.

Well I hope you found my review interesting and would be interested to hear which is your favourite Fuji Instax Mini camera so be sure to write a comment below and i will reply as soon as possible.

Best Instant Camera 2017

I have been thinking a lot lately about which is my favourite instax camera and decided to do some Google searching last week to read the thoughts and opinions of other keen photogaphers.  I came across this cool website which I wanted to share with you.

I was very interested to read about the different cameras which were considered in the best instant camera 2017 reviews especially as they were based on customer reviews rather than the thoughts and opinions of one individual reviewer which you may or may not agree with.

My favourite camera is still the Fuji Instax Mini 8 simply because it is so easy to use and comes in at a very competitive price point.

I gave it to my nephew last week and he had a ball playing with it and snapping shots.  One thing for sure is it’s not easy to explain to a young child why they cannot simply keep taking photo after photo as the cost of instant film certainly does add up if you are not careful.

Well enough from me, I would love to hear your thoughts on which is the best instant camera 2017 so please do share your thoughts in the comments section below.